lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Reflex. Dick Francis

People who ride racehorses love the speed, the excitement, the danger - and winning the race. Philip Nore has been riding for many years and he always wants to win - but sometimes he is told to lose. Why? And what is the mystery about the photographer, George Millace, who has just died in a car crash? Philip Nore knows the answer to the first question, and he wants to find out the answer to the second. But as he begins to learn George Millace's secrets, he realizes that his own life is in danger.

Moondial. Helen Cresswell

'Moondial!' As Minty spoke the word, a cold wind went past her, and her ears were filled with a thousand frightened voices. She shut her eyes and put her hands over her ears - and the voices and the wind went away. Minty opened her eyes ...and knew that she was in a different morning, not the one she had woken up to. And so Minty's strange adventure begins - a journey through time into the past, where she finds Tom, and Sarah . . . and the evil Miss Vole.

The Death of Karen Silkwood. Joyce Hannam

This is the story of Karen Silkwood. It begins with her death.

Why does her story begin where it should end? Certain people wanted her death to be an ending. Why? What were they afraid of? Karen Silkwood had something to tell us, and she believed that it was important. Why didn't she live to tell us? Will we ever know what really happened? The questions go on and on, but there are no answers.

This is a true story. It happened in Oklahoma, USA, where Karen Silkwood lived and worked . . . and died.

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009


En este libro se relata la búsqueda de un extraterrestre (Gurb) que ha desaparecido, tras adoptar la apariencia de Marta Sánchez, en la ciudad de Barcelona. El narrador no es Gurb, sino otro alienígena que sale en pos de él tras convertirse en el conde-duque de Olivares, aunque va cambiando su apariencia a medida que avanza la trama, y cuyo diario constituye la guía de la narración. El protagonista comienza la historia con unas ideas y objetivos que van cambiando a la vez que él cambia para adaptarse a la forma de vida del planeta. La naturaleza de este relato es la sátira y la paradoja. El autor convierte a la ciudad absurda y cotidiana en el escenario de una carnavalada que revela el verdadero rostro del ser humano urbano actual.


Es una producción poética y teatral que se centra en el análisis de un sentimiento trágico. Desde la vida y la muerte, a lo antiguo y lo moderno, en la manera de ver la tragedia. Todo ello enmarcado en un paisaje andaluz trágico y universal.
El tema principal que se trata en este gran drama es la vida y la muerte. Pero de un modo arcano y ancestral, en la que figuran mitos, leyendas y paisajes que introducen al lector, en un mundo de sombrías pasiones, que derivan en los celos, la persecución, y en el trágico final, La Muerte. El amor se destaca como la única fuerza que puede vencer a la muerte.